GEOLAB is our module for geotechnical works management. GEOLAB is compatible with other CWS platform modules. GEOLAB can be adapted to work in small and large companies and public administrations. GEOLAB is scalable and it has different functionalities according to the costumer profile.
If the costumer is a public administration or a large company that works with multiple geotechnical campaigns data GEOLAB can:
- Multiple geotechnical campaigns management. Use all the campaigns information together to create specific reports or GIS queries. You can find for example all the boreholes with a length up than x meters and with an specific material feature in the specified area.
- Campaigns planning. Boreholes, soil pits, tests, cost, locations, etc.
- Economic control of the project. User can define an specific reference prices.
- Work methods unification.
- Reports and reuslts standardisation.
- Full campaigns data accesible for other plataforms and in different formats.
- IFC4 (BIM) terrain model exportation.
- Data exportation to Leapfrog GEO.
- Compatible with other CWS modules.
If the costumer is the company that develops the contracted works, the main functionalities are:
- Boreholes, soil pits and penetrometers managemente.
- Geological profiles or sections generation.
- Samples and insitu test management.
- Laboratory test management.
- Geophysics test management
- Significant reduction of data processing time.
- GIS tool designed to simplify data registration and the better exploitation of geotechnical information.
- Economic campaigns management.
- Documents management.
- Automatic reports generation.
- Includes i.e. the Federal Geographic Data Committee standard lithologic patterns
- Compatible with other platform modules.